Solar Net Metering in India
Net metering is a billing method that credits solar system owners for electricity exported onto the electricity grid. Under the simplest form of net metering, a utility customer’s billing meter runs backward as solar electricity is generated and exported to the electricity grid, and forward as electricity is consumed from the grid. At the end of a billing period, the customer receives a bill for net electricity, which is the amount of electricity consumed minus the amount of electricity produced and exported by the utility customer’s photovoltaic (PV) system. This policy allows PV system owners to offset electricity purchases from the utility with every kilowatt-hour of solar electricity a PV system produces. The policies in this differ a lot from region to region. There are two main benefits of net metering: 1. Feed Extra in to Grid: Whatever extra energy you produce, can be fed into the grid. This basically is significantly important because it allows you to bypass using bat...