
Showing posts from December, 2016

IST-Magazine India Sets Year-on-Year Targets to Reach Ambitious 2022 Solar Goal

India Sets Year-on-Year Targets to Reach Ambitious 2022 Solar Goal In 2014, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a goal to  increase solar power      capacity to 100 Giga watts (GW) by 2022 —five times higher than the previous target. The 2022 target is extremely ambitious (the world’s total        installed solar power capacity was  181 GW in 2014 ) and would make India a global leader in renewable energy. Moreover, Piyush Goyal,   India’s Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy, recently said that  India aims to achieve its 100 GW solar target as early as the end of 2017. India’s total installed solar power capacity stands at  5.8 GW , so the country will need to significantly ramp up the pace of solar capacity additions, from an average 4 GW per year to 15+ GW per year to meet the 2022 target.  Critics have been skeptical, citing hurdles l...

IST-Magazine IST Strength-Roadmap in The Field of Solar Energy

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine | December, 2016 IST Strength & Roadmap in The Field of Solar Energy Mr. Tanay Sarker, Dy. Manager, IST Howrah Institute of Solar Technology (IST) is an ISO 9001:2008 certified academic and research-oriented &     Entrepreneurship Development autonomous institution, a unit of Global Advanced Training & Educational Trust (GATE Trust) Reg. under NCT New Delhi, Govt. of India, NITI Aayog (NGO-DARPAN) Govt. of India .   GATE Trust is a non-profit educational organization to empower people, communities, and businesses worldwide. IST is listed among Top 10 Renewable    Energy Training Institutes in India under NIWE, Govt. of India and also an organizational member of Solar Energy Society of India (Indian Section of International Solar Energy Society). Institute of Solar Technology is Organizational Member of  Solar Ene...

IST-Magazine Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine | December, 2016 Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Mr. Dev Prakash, IST Legal Advisor, LLB, CS E ntrepreneurship and innovation are critical for the growth of any economy, in an increasingly competitive world. The secret behind developing economy to a developed economy is nothing but entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurship become even more critical for India as its demographic    dividend can only be realized with rapid creation of employment and income generation opportunities. Global experience shows that, apart from creating wealth and boosting the economy, new businesses also create disproportionately more jobs than established ones. Israel has very little natural resources but is considered a part of the developed world, driven by the strength of its entrepreneurs. Historically, India was considered an innovation driven country, at the for...

IST Magazine Interview with Mr Surya Jeedigunta

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine  | December, 2016 An Interview with Mr. Surya Jeedigunta Adviser of IST, Head of Business Development at SNJ SOLAR Energy Solutions LLP Experience in developing solar market, MegaWatt Project Planning & Project  Implementation. Coordinating with Renewable Energy Departments MNRE , IREDA . SOLAR Energy  Centre , State Nodal Agencies, international agencies. An engineering graduate who is willing to enter into the solar energy field as a startup entrepreneur, what kind of advice you would likely to give him? I would start by saying, don’t look at the energy sector limited to power    generation. We are entering into age where information is the new currency in Energy. Smart Grids, Energy storage, EV’s, data analytics are going to change the Power Landscape completely. This is a good time to enter and if you want to make a dent in these areas. To succeed, it i...


Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine  | December, 2016   SOLAR PV SECTOR JOB OPPORTUNITIES A multitude of skilled workers across the solar project value chain are needed to achieve India’s targeted 100 GW of solar by 2022. New CEEW and NRDC analysis of the jobs created in the solar PV sector along with the related skills required in every phase of a solar project, estimates that India would need nearly 210,800 skilled plant design and site engineers and approximately 624,600 semi and low skilled Technicians for construction, most of whom would be needed to achieve the targeted 40 GW rooftop solar capacity addition. As many as 81,000 highly skilled workers would be needed by 2022 to carry out annual and ongoing performance data monitoring of solar projects totalling 100 GW. An additional 182,400 workers would be needed by 2022 to carry out low-skill operation and maintenance functions for the numerous solar rooftop and utility scale projects. ...

IST-Magazine Net Metering -> Scope & Challenges

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine | December, 2016 A Way to Secure Power for Future. !!!!!!! Net metering concept promises an environment friendly and power efficient electricity evaluation system. It provides an easy option to produce electricity from renewable and also to get      connected to the grid at the same time. In India the allotted transformer capacity for grid-connected solar power plants is between 15 per cent and 30 per cent. Maharashtra as an  exception has 40 per cent allotted transformer capacity for solar. The payback period largely depends on the tariff of the particular state. The higher the grid tariff, the lower is payback     period. Also, the question is about how much of your consumption can be offset using solar and how much you are allowed to install. So if you have been thinking that you will install only solar and not consume from the grid at all, that is...

IST-Magazine Solar Energy Applications for Agriculture in India

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine | December, 2016 Estimates for total number of farmers in India, for 2011, accordingly range from 95.8 million (8%) to 263 million (22%) to 450 million (38%), out of a total population of over 1.2 billion. Others estimate the total number of farmers in India to be about 600 million (50% of total population). India should stop doing all other solar and just focus on giving farmers a solution for their needs. Solar power technology would be a reasonable choice for agricultural tools. Solar Photovoltaic cells (SPV) directly convert the light energy from the sun into electricity. Concentrated solar power (CSP) systems use an indirect method for the conversion process. Solar farming uses power generated from solar energy to operate agricultural or farming tools. It is simple, cost effective, reliable and long lasting. Most common agricultural tools such as tractors, watering ...

IST-Magazine Research & Development at IST

Booming Solar Energy Market in INDIA IST E-Magazine | December, 2016 Students' innovative IDEAS Global Challenge projects combine entrepreneurship with the passion to help others around the world. After successful completion of the training, students are involved in innovative programme. Student innovation projects can empower every educator to teach Science, Technology, Engineering skills in class. I think students will be excited to do something different and see what they could learn along the way. solar power industry has been pushing out innovations right and left, some of which have the potential to make a serious (and positive) impact on our energy systems. Engineering students are opting for the green when it comes to their B.E./B.Tech project. So, we thought of compiling ia list of project ideas based on Renewable energy. Students belonging to third year or final year can use these projects as mini-projects as we...


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